Immediate Access
Organic social media remains a strong revenue generator for merchants when carefully planned and executed.
In this 30-minute instant webinar, Samantha Collier, a social media pro and Practical Ecommerce contributor, breaks down the process of aligning products, messaging, and content formats for max results. She explains:
About the Presenter
Expires: Dec. 11, 2020
Expires: Dec. 11, 2020
About the Sponsor
Linnworks is a leading SaaS commerce automation platform helping brands and retailers sell products across global marketplaces and social channels. Using Linnworks, merchants achieve a wider reach, meeting shoppers on their preferred channels, while managing it all from a central technology platform.
Harnessing Organic Social Media to Boost Sales
Webinar: Streaming Video + Ebook
Webinar: Streaming Video + Ebook
Companion Ebook
Companion Ebook
Registrants will also receive a companion ebook to download and save.
Registrants will also receive a companion ebook to download and save.
Samantha Collier
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